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Simplifying Complexity

The Contelligence Group is driven to simplify complexity: in business processes; in software architecture; and in the initiatives where these two meet.

Mission critical initiatives are almost always complex, and that complex projects almost always call for technical innovation. How do you recognize these projects?

  1. They are perplexing. Traditional software vendors do not have a satisfactory answer, and consultants may seem to summarize the problems without suggesting any solutions.
  2. They often have a high risk of business disruption due to the disparity between available solutions and the vision of how things should work.
  3. There are numerous touchpoints across the enterprise and it is essential to harmonize the needs and agendas of stakeholders from different departments and/or operating companies.
  4. They are both transformative and imperative; in fact this may not be the first attempt at a solution.

So how does simplicity play a critical role in succeeding with these types of complex projects? While “simple” is often confused with a lightweight approach to everything, we apply it to processes and technology as a methodology. We simplify processes by identifying the core issues that must be examined in great detail and the extraneous issues that will only exhaust resources. We simplify technology by focusing on architecture; resulting in design approaches that allow a feature rich application to be built, modified, and maintained with a fraction of the effort of other approaches.

More about our project approach, including simplicity as a methodology, can be found here.