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Project Acceleration Services

While experts claim most software projects fail, our most ambitious projects have set standards for success. “Beating the odds” is a good thing—and even better when you can make it repeatable. Project Acceleration describes the best practices we add to traditional project management. It’s an Agile focus on the business, its people, and executive priorities.

The fact that experts claim most software projects fail does not change the reality that the projects we lead, regardless of their complexity, set standards for success. “Beating the odds” is a good thing—but it’s even better when you understand why and can make it repeatable. While most of what we do follows conventional best practices, we long ago abandoned decade’s old Project Management concepts that no longer deliver. We refined a new approach into what we call Project Acceleration; a focus on the business, its people, and executive priorities.

We Deliver Success.

More than just a motto; it’s the essential and verifiable record of every Contelligence Group consultant.

The fact that experts claim most software projects fail does not change the reality that the projects we lead, regardless of their complexity, set standards for success. “Beating the odds” is a good thing—but it’s even better when you understand why and can make it repeatable. While most of what we do follows conventional best practices, we include some things that were really different--and really effective. We refined our approach into a methodology we call Project Acceleration.  Readers familiar with AgileDevelopment will understand why it works.

It is no secret that software projects are often disappointing, but few experts have suggested a reason for widespread failure when every project involves different stakeholders, vendors, software, and goals. Clearly the problem is not the people, the technology, or what the business is trying to achieve. The problem is the process. As business and technology change radically, the process must change as well. Fix the process and you fix the problem.

Beginning in the mid-1990s, we were leading some very ambitious and complex content initiatives for which there were no precedents. Each of these projects had experienced at least one faltered attempt before we came on-board, and there really was no choice but to forge a new path if the project participants were to have any hope for success. Fortunately, the uniqueness of the projects created a more liberal environment where experimentation was encouraged. A variety of technical and process innovations led to successes that were so dramatic that they have set the stage for what organizations expect from content today.

Project Acceleration is an Agile approach to Project Management that succeeds regardless of whether software will ultimately be off-the-shelf, custom developed, or a combination of the two.  Project Acceleration is an enhancement to standard Project Management that brings greater focus on innovation, stakeholder engagement, rapid prototyping, risk management, and measurable ROI throughout each phase of an initiative.

Business Audience

The past decade has seen a radical change to the way software is developed called Agile. The details of the development approach are less important than how ubiquitously it has replaced processes that no longer worked.  Project Acceleration applies similar process improvements to an entire project—not just the software development component—by bringing greater focus on innovation, stakeholder engagement, rapid prototyping, risk management, and measurable ROI throughout each phase of an initiative.

In a nutshell: Project Acceleration Services

  • A little hand holding now. A lot of fist bumping later.
  • We Deliver Success
    • More than just a motto.
    • It’s our verifiable record.