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Exploiting Layout and Content
Don Day, Contelligence Group
All indications are that unstructured data will offer the largest return on investment from IT efforts in the next five to ten years. With more than seventy percent of an organization's information assets held as unstructured data, the impact spans the enterprise and affects the performance of nearly every process.
Sometimes off-the-shelf solutions just don't fit. When this happens there is an alternative to endless modifications, in-house development, or risky outsourcing.
“Does Don Day know about DITA?” That’s a skills endorsement question that is likely to pop up if you visit my profile page at the business-oriented social service, LinkedIn. Beyond that quixotic thought, consider the more important question: “What does Don Day think about DITA?” In fact, what I can tell you about DITA may help you understand this XML markup standard in a much different way than you may have expected.
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