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Exploiting Layout and Content
Don Day, Contelligence Group
Chances are your content could use some new digs if it is going to support your key goals for 2013 and beyond. The decades-old approaches that organizations have inherited isolate content from the very processes and interactions that depend on it most. We can help you define effective Enterprise and Project level Content Strategies that are easy to implement and revolutionary in their impact.
While experts claim most software projects fail, our most ambitious projects have set standards for success. “Beating the odds” is a good thing—and even better when you can make it repeatable. Project Acceleration describes the best practices we add to traditional project management. It’s an Agile focus on the business, its people, and executive priorities.
Until recently unstructured data received minimal attention and even large IT departments had little time for it. Web 2.0 and mobile devices have changed executive priorities and now content, with all its unique quirks and unusual requirements, really matters.
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